Project Myqu

By Stephen Harvey

(C) 2003 Mequa Innovations

Downloads and Sources page

"Eater" AMOS Basic source (Ascii format)
"Eater" translated Jamagic Script source (generated directly from AMOS source by Myqu syntax converter)
Note: This requires some additional source to run which is not included

Demo download:
"Eater" release for Win32 (Zip format)
Use cursor keys and right control for joystick 1, CTRL+C to quit,
ALT+ENTER to toggle fullscreen mode, ALT+MINUS to toggle mixed screens mode

Amiga version:
"Eater" standalone compiled version (tested on real A1200 and WinUAE)
"Eater" AMOS source (.AMOS format), "Eater" sprite bank (.Abk format)
